Look sharp! Do not dawdle about like that.
快点! 别这么磨磨蹭蹭了.
互联网You had better look sharp, if you want to be in time.
如果你想及时赶到, 最好快一点.
互联网You look sharp running figure, hands the ball to follow the arc to draw together comfortable.
看你身影急速奔跑, 手中的球跟着划出一道舒服的弧线.
互联网You really look sharp today.
互联网You really look sharp in that new outfit.
辞典例句Better look sharp, Doctor.
最好快点, 大夫.
互联网Now approaching Robotech fleet. Look sharp.
现在接近机器人技术舰队. 注意.
互联网A cup of tea , and look sharp, please.
来杯茶, 请快一点.
互联网Get those boxes moved , and look sharp about it!
把那些箱子搬走, 快!
互联网You'll miss the plane if you don't look sharp.
互联网The troop would surely flee at the sound of cannon , so he had better look sharp.
有了炮声, 兵们一定得跑;那么,他自己也该精神着点了.
互联网He'd find himself growing thin , if he didn't look sharp to do it.
辞典例句The guide told us to look sharp because there are rattlesnakes around.
《现代汉英综合大词典》Look sharp and take care of the chores without delay!
互联网Look sharp! Here comes the boss!
快! 老板来了!
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